Echoes of Remembrance - Eve Howard

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Photo: Eve Howard

Echoes of Remembrance

Echoes of Remembrance - November, 2021

As the seasons,

Come and go,

Tidal waves of emotion,

Ebb and flow.

And from dawn to dusk,

We weather the storm.

Remembrance Sunday,

A spirit reborn.

Reasoning, realities,

Whatever one’s take,

Nations mourn their dead,

Some question the stake.

Civil rights, liberties,

Conscription, dissent,

Politics, nationalism,

Conscientiousness, intent.

Red, white, black poppy,

Or no poppy at all.

A truth held in common,

Is loved ones did fall.

And in 2021,

Many years down the track.

Consider the fallen,

Be they brown, white, or black.

The footprint of your neighbour,

Is entwined within your life.

And of the many who’ve passed before you,

In struggle and in strife.

We are all kindred spirits,

In the quest for life’s chance.

Let’s share a common future,

Partake in the dance.

There’s competition for resources,

Of a diverse complex strand.

Austerity is cold to touch,

And no one’s in command.

Let’s build a bridge for everyone,

And positively embrace,

Peace for humanity,

Within God’s given grace.

© Copyright Eve Howard, 2021